Surinova is an innovation driven organization that focuses on providing pragmatic business solutions to the farming sector. While the current innovative efforts by many corporates and organizations focus on mechanization, Surinova focuses on automation. At present, most of the agro solutions are man-driven-vehicle oriented, while Surinova’s solutions focus on wire-driven-remote operation. Surinova also ensure the products do not pollute the environment by using fossil fuel. Ours is a clean energy solution that uses batteries.


Traditionally India is an Agrarian economy. With about 60% of its 1.4 billion strong populations involved either directly or indirectly with farming sector. Any solution that addresses the pain points of the sector would have colossal impact on the economy and society. Being a labor intensive industry, and largely controlled by rural individuals, the scope of mechanization or automation have always been ignored or purposively avoided by the stakeholders due to inexplicability of the technology. Fortunately the IT revolution has made technology easily accessible and economically viable in all the sectors and agriculture sector could no longer remain immune to the trend.
With shrinking agricultural land and exploding population, India is recklessly heading at break neck speed towards an agrarian crisis. As more and more youngsters from traditional farming families are moving out to other industries, the labor issue is getting further intensified and the situation vociferously demand solutions that could address both shrinking agricultural land and dwindling labor force. Precision farming addresses both these issues with exactitude.
Tea plantation is a major farming sector in Southern India and North East India. While western tea farming sector have mechanized their farming practice, albeit it is controlled by corporate and rich, educated individuals, surprisingly precision farming and mechanization have not happened so far. In India the plantation is done in plains and hillocks. The solutions developed in other countries are either too costly or non-conducive to Indian terrain.
Lack of appetite for innovation by farming equipment manufacturing companies is the major challenge. At present Robotics, Artifical Intelligence and Machine learning are accessible and affordable. This is the right time to embrace the technological advancements and calibrate them to build indigenous farming equipments that precisely address the domestic issues and pain points.

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